The IDesign Method

Last Friday I participated in a new meet-up: The IDesign Method – System Design. The meet-up was organized by Jarkko Kemppainen, the Principal of IDesign Europe. The company has developed its own approach to design new system, which is available for download from their website. Here are a few interesting statements from the meet-up

Merge SVN directories

One of the applications of my customer in being maintained by an external vendor. The vendor delivers code to a separated SVN repository, by importing it every time as a new tag. This causes a few difficulties: SVN is not able to report code differences between two versions all available at the company tooling has […]

Remove CR from CRLF

GIT does not accept text files in DOS style with CRLF characters at the end of the lines. Although it’s possible to configure repository to auto-convert line endings, the files in your local copy will remain in DOS-style. The script below, assuming it’s saved as, will prepare your files by removing CR character.